Thankful Thoughts

It’s officially that time of year; the weather is getting colder, everyone is obsessed with buying gifts, and most of us have had the sudden urge to start baking.

This may seem predictable, but I would like to take some time to say what I’m grateful for.

First and foremost, I am thankful for my family. My parents, who work their butts off to put me through school, support me, and somehow manage to give me and my brother everything we need and want. For their hugs on both good and bad days, and their advice which always ends up being the right thing.

Growing up, my brother was my best friend, mostly because he was the one I always played with and I could always find ways to boss him around (sorry, Dean). Now that we’re older, I’m glad to say he’s still my best friend, but for different reasons. I might hate to admit it, but he’s not a baby anymore. He’s smart, handsome, considerate, and I know that he would do anything for me, as I would for him. I’m very proud of who he’s grown to be, and I’m glad to know that I will always have him in my corner.

Many people only see their aunts and uncles on holidays or special occasions. Luckily, this is not the case for me. My aunt and uncles are my lifelines; good days, bad days, or for no reason at all – they are the ones I call. They have made my life that much better just by being part of it.

I’m thankful for my health. In the past year, I’ve taken major steps to becoming a happier and healthier me. I’ve quit coffee, which I used to drink far too much of. I’ve changed my eating habits drastically, and I’ve engaged in exercise regularly. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Shake Shack and L&B just as much as any other New Yorker, and I don’t deprive myself of these indulgences. But as a whole, I’ve become conscious of what I put into my body. When I eat the right things, I feel happy; and that happiness is apparent on both the inside and the outside. I’ve learned first hand that when you are good to your body, your body will return the favor.

I’m thankful for everyday things that we all take advantage. Having a roof over my head, my dog, the ability to get up every morning and live my life. I’m thankful for my yoga practice, my education, and my life in general. I am luckier than a lot of people in the world, because all my basic needs are met and surpassed; for this I am grateful.

I’m lucky to have great friends. Though they may not be mighty in numbers, their quality exceeds any description. I would especially like to say that I am thankful for my best friend Beggy, who since high school has proved to be less of a friend, and more of a sister. Though we’ve had our ups and downs, she is the truest friend I have ever known.

I’m thankful for my writing, because without it I wouldn’t know my place in the world. I’m also thankful that I finally had the courage to start my blog. I didn’t think anyone would actually read this, but I have 24 followers, and I love them!

My blog’s name, I thought I had it Figured out, is a perfect fit for this portion of my life. I’m 22-years-old and have started to re-evaluate everything. There is still so much I don’t know, but I’m thankful that I have the ability to learn, grow, and enjoy the ride.

Happy Holidays! xx

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